Loving the Liturgy

led by Pastor John Bombaro every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the cafeteria

This course, written by Pastor Bombaro and taught to parishes and seminarians throughout the U.S. and Europe, is open to all ages and will provide a transformed appreciation for the liturgy and a deep understanding as to why we were saved by Christ to be liturgists. 

Women's Evening Bible Study

led by Diana Koger every Monday at 7:00 p.m. beginning on January 13

Inviting all women to a winter Bible study featuring Daniel. We will enjoy fellowship, learning, and applying God’s Word in our everyday lives with prayers and praises in our small group study. Won’t you join us for this nine-week study? Beginning on January 13, we will meet every Monday evening from 7:00-8:30 in the church conference room. Please contact leader Diana Koger at (765) 427-4190 or dikoger@yahoo.com to reserve your spot! (We need to know how many study guides to order.) The study guide and questions will be $15, which can be paid at our first meeting. Contact Diana if you have questions or concerns.

Men's Bible Breakfast

led by Pastor Emeritus Jim Barton & Doug Schroeder every Friday at 7:00 a.m.

This group meets on Fridays from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. at The Downtowner restaurant in Market Square. More men are always welcome!

Podcast with Pastor Emeritus Jim Barton

anytime at lutheransermons.podbean.com

There are Bible studies (most recently on Zephaniah), thoughts on preparing for worship each week, and sermons you can listen to or read including recent Saturday night sermons. If you scroll back, you can find earlier materials too.
