Sunday Morning Bible Study (11:00 a.m. - noon)

Junior/Senior High School Students - Join us for Sunday school in the fellowship hall. We will be following the Enduring Faith Bible curriculum from Concordia Publishing House. In this series, where we are studying the Old Testament, students learn how to defend their faith. They become prepared to state what they believe about the Bible and why. The Board of Parish Education is super excited for this opportunity to work with a very fun group of students.

Junior & Senior High Youth Group Events

Put these events on your calendar – look for more details in future emails.
To be included on the email list and to RSVP for events, CLICK HERE.
Please note that some dates may have changed/been added or subtracted since our last notice.

Sunday, January 19 ~ The Great Chili Cook-Off and Bingo Night

Hey everyone–we need to see those chili cookin’ skills! Ask your dad, your uncle, your friend at church, Pastor Bombaro, your grandma, and anyone else who you know cooks up a mean chili pot to share their BEST chili recipe with us, and we will VOTE FOR THE WINNER! While we are waiting to determine our champion, we will also PLAY BINGO! We will vote by having people purchase 5 voting tickets for $5 and cast their vote for their favorite chili. We will be selling Bingo cards for $2 each or 5 for $5. We will play 6-10 rounds of Bingo for a $10 gift card prize per round. This is for all ages from 5-7 p.m. in the church cafeteria.  
*The menu will include chili, crackers, peaches, carrots/celery and drink. (Free will supper offerings also accepted–all proceeds go for the NYG Trip!)

NOW, here are the details on the CHILI/BINGO Night—IF you are going to NYG, we need one crock pot of chili per person going (That will give us 12). You do not have to be the chili maker–you can ask others to make the chili (we’ll take more than 12 pots) or you can be the chili maker and make the chili. All chili pots must be in place and plugged in at the cafeteria by 4:30 p.m. NYG participants need to show up at 4 to help with the setup. Charlie wants to be a Bingo caller–anyone else? (we will trade off). You need to let Mrs. Keiser know by Jan. 12 who is making your chili and what kind it is–a recipe card will be needed to be placed by each pot of chili on the day. If you cannot participate, you need to let her know that too. If you are not able to be there that day, you can get someone else from the congregation or youth to make a pot!

ALL OTHER YOUTH–Your part is to COME to the chili cook off and vote for the best chili and play Bingo! This is a family event so let’s have the cafeteria completely full! Yes, friends welcome! $10 gift cards are given to each Bingo round winner and a GOLDEN LADLE will be awarded to the best chili cook! Put this one on your calendar!

January 31-February 2 ~ Annual St. James Boys Basketball Tourney and Cheerleading Competition. 

Everybody plan to attend for a good time! We need 6 to 8 youth and some parents to help  run our youth-sponsored dance on Saturday night.  

Here are the details on the tourney–the dance is held
Saturday evening. It is a dance for junior high–for the
tourney team schools. It is held in the cafeteria. ( We
need 6-8 HIGH SCHOOL youth who will come help make
it a great dance by getting the junior high kids involved
and helping with the school competitions. Please let Mrs.
Keiser know by Jan. 19 if you can help. We also neednall
junior high youth to attend so we can win the school spirit
trophy this year!! We also need 4-6 (high school of junior
high) parents to help with check in and supervision and
food distribution, etc. The dance can’t go on without our
youth and parent volunteers. Please let Mrs. Keiser know
by January 19 if you can help.

Friday, February 7 ~ Euchre

We will  be playing EUCHRE with our friends from Grace Lutheran Church as part of their 50th celebration and our 150th celebration and as a joint fundraiser for NYG! Find lots of pairs to pay and play. Details TBD

Sunday, February 9 ~ Basketball Tournament

We will be in the gym putting on a 3x3 basketball tournament. All ages can pay an entry fee of $5 per person. This is a fundraiser for the NYG trip. Find your team of three now and be practicing! Fans are needed and concessions will be served. We will start at 1:00 p.m. and be done by 2:30. Teams will play each other for 15 minute intervals until a winner is determined by win/loss.

Ash Wednesday, March 5 ~ Lenten Dinner

The youth will be serving a Lenten soup supper that night. The seventh grade homeroom will be taking this on as a fundraiser for DC. Come and enjoy a meal 4:45-5:45 p.m. before the service begins at 6:00.

Sunday, March 9 ~ the Sr. High will met for lunch and a devotional.
Sunday, March 16 ~ The Jr. High will meet for lunch and a devotional.
Sunday, April 20 ~ Easter Breakfast

Youth will be needed full force to sign up to help with EASTER baskets and the Easter breakfast. 

DTBA ~ A fundraiser for NYG

Ok,  so grab those calendars and get these dates placed. 
Some good times to be had!

Youth Board
Lynn Keiser–Brenda Bunton–Daniel Kern–Michelle Kern
Contact with questions.
