Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:7
Sponsoring the flowers that are placed on the altar is a beautiful way to thank God for the special blessings of birthdays, anniversaries, and personal remembrances. If you would like to grace the sanctuary in this manner, Sign Up Here
Catching God's Blessings. Each year St. James has a gala dinner and auction. Money earned goes supporting the ministries and facilities of our school and providing tuition assistance. This event has raised over $100,000 in the past. Visit Our Website
Purchase a gift card at face value and the SCRIP program gives a different percentage of their profit ranging from 2%-25% to St. James. Also, 50% of that profit can be applied to school tuition or the ministry of your choice. Read MoreÂ
Thrivent Choice is designed to give members a choice in directing some of Thrivent Financial’s charitable funds to St. James. Read More