What to Expect

Our Lord Jesus made God's word and sacraments the  treasures of the Church. For this reason, St. James is committed to the Lord's saving and sanctifying liturgies, using the Divine Services, hymns, and canticles from within the Lutheran Service Book.

Because the Lord Jesus gave his Holy Church the stewardship of the Word of God and the sacraments, we engage not in a style of worship but rather enjoin Christ Himself in a theology of worship. Thus, you can expect a dignified and purposeful celebration of the Divine Liturgy, with family involvement and children of all ages present with their parents and grandparents.

All Divine Services at St. James are proper Masses, that is, there is always Holy Communion for those members of the Lutheran Church who have been catechized to receive their First Holy Communion and are members of a parish with whom our Synod (LCMS) is in Altar Fellowship. All other persons are welcome to the communion rail for a blessing and further directed to instruction for a faithful reception of the Eucharist. 

We live stream Sunday mornings at 0800 am. as well as the mid-week services. These are available on our YouTube Channel (youtube.com/stjameslutheran) as well as Facebook (@StJamesLutheranChurchAndSchool). 

Sundays @ 0800 & 1030 am. Wednesday Midweek Mass @ 6:00 p.m. Year round. 
Augsburg Academy (Sunday School) @ 0930.
